Following sustained advocacy from Ms Yasmin Catley MP - Shadow Minister for the Hunter and Member for Swansea, the site of the former Munmorah Power Station has been formally identified as the ideal location for the 700MW Waratah Super Battery.


The suitability of the site was outlined in EnergyCo’s scoping report that was lodged with the Department of Planning earlier this week. EnergyCo expects to finalise a competitive tender process to determine suitable battery operators and sites by the end of the year.


The NSW Treasurer is the sole stakeholder of the former Munmorah Power Station site, which was retired by Delta Electricity in 2012. The Station was then demolished in 2017 and has since remained unused.


Placing the Battery at the Munmorah site would contribute to the Hunter – Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone, which has received over $100 billion in investor interest. The project would also create up to 150 construction jobs during the development, as well as 10 to 15 ongoing jobs.


Ms Yasmin Catley MP – Shadow Minister for the Hunter and Member for Swansea said, ‘It makes perfect sense to locate the Waratah Super Battery at the old power station site. It is owned by the Government and all the transmission infrastructure is already in place’.


‘Not only will this project deliver up to 150 construction jobs during its development and 10 to 15 ongoing jobs, but it will also open up an opportunity to turn the old power station into a renewable energy manufacturing hub on the Central Coast. This will mean good paying, highly skilled jobs into the future’.