Community Transport Services to Continue on the Central Coast


A new provider has been found to deliver services for Central Coast residents impacted by the sudden closure of a major private community transport operator, with Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Community Transport (HKCT) stepping into the breach.


Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is pleased to advise that discussions with the Transport Workers Union are ongoing on the matter of employment of former Community Transport Central Coast Limited (CTCCL) drivers.


CTCCL, an operator contracted to TfNSW, announced last week that it was ceasing its services as of Friday 20 September. It advised that their organisation would go into Members Voluntary liquidation from this Friday 27 September.


After extensive negotiations, CTCCL has entered into an agreement with Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Community Transport, which means they will take on provision of community transport services for eligible clients on the Central Coast.


HKCT has also indicated it will take over operation of the Shirley Shuttle, a non-Transport contracted service.


TfNSW understands the new provider will honour all existing bookings on the Shirley Shuttle until the end of the year.


The NSW Government thanks HKCT for their support of the Central Coast community. Central Coast clients can call 02 4355 4588 to discuss their service needs with the new provider from today. 


Minister for the Central Coast David Harris said:


“This has been an anxious time for all involved and I am glad arrangements can now be put in place to ensure passengers aren’t left in the lurch following Community Transport Central Coast’s decision.


“The NSW Government thanks Hornby Ku-ring-gai Community Transport for stepping up to support community transport users on the Central Coast.


"Community transport is a vital part of the fabric of our region and I’m glad local residents will continue to receive this essential service.”


Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said:


"I am pleased to see an agreement has been implemented so quickly, one that will give comfort to those who rely on community transport services on the Central Coast.


"Community transport is an essential part of the Central Coast’s transport network as it allows eligible seniors, pensioners and those with limited access to public transport to get to health services, shopping and stay connected with family and friends.


"The ability to access transport is a social determinant of health and quality of life, which is why community transport in places like the Central Coast is so important as it provides an accessible and affordable option for many people in the region."


Member for Swansea Yasmin Catley said:


“Last week’s sudden closure of Community Transport Central Coast left many frustrated and without a means to move around the community.


“Reliable public transport is crucial to the lives of Coasties and the Government has stepped in to secure a new operator.


“This means passengers won’t be left in the lurch and can continue to access an essential community service.”


Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch said:


“I know that this has been an anxious experience for Coasties who rely on this service, and I am so glad that a new agreement has been reached that will provide peace of mind for the many community members who rely on this important service.


“For the many community members who use this service, community transport isn’t a luxury, it is a vital connector that ensures that individuals can access essential services, including health care, social connection, and shopping.


“I am thrilled that a solution could be reached so quickly, ensuring that continuity of transport can resume as soon as possible. I welcome Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Community Transport to the Central Coast transport landscape.”


Member for The Entrance David Mehan said:


“I’m pleased to see services returned and look forward to working with the union to ensure staff of the former CTCCL are looked after.”