The announcement by Minister for Energy – the Hon. Matt Kean MP of the site of the former Munmorah Power Station as the location for the 700MW Waratah Super Battery, is a big win for the Coast.


Local Labor MPs and Shadow Minister for Energy and Climate Change – Jihad Dib MP held a press conference on 3 June 2022 calling on the Government to locate the battery at the former Munmorah Power Station site.


The battery will help sure up the regions energy supply and take advantage of the Hunter – Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone. The Hunter – Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone was established after Labor successfully moved amendments to the Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020.


Ms Yasmin Catley MP – Shadow Minister for the Hunter and Member for Swansea said, ‘It makes perfect sense to locate the Waratah Super Battery at the old power station site. It is owned by the Government and all the transmission infrastructure is already in place’.


‘Not only will this project deliver up to 150 construction jobs during its development and 10 to 15 ongoing jobs, but it will also open up an opportunity to turn the old power station into a renewable energy manufacturing hub on the Central Coast. This will mean good paying, highly skilled jobs into the future’.


Mr David Harris – Shadow Minister for the Central Coast said, ‘It made good sense that the battery would be located in a place with the necessary power distribution infrastructure was already in place. Local Labor MPs fought hard for the Central Coast to be included in the Renewable Energy Zones, understanding that power generation has been a part of our heritage and as transition takes place we should continue to have an important role into the future. Skills and knowhow is in abundance and the Coast is well placed to ride the transition wave to renewables’.


Member for the Entrance – Mr David Mehan stated, ‘This is great news for the Central Coast and ensures we will continue to have energy jobs on the Central Coast into the future’.


Member for Gosford – Ms Liesl Tesch added, ‘Our community is being smashed by cost of living pressures, and it is very clear we need alternative energy solutions. Locating the battery close to home, where existing energy infrastructure is already in place is huge win for the Coast’.